اخبار كورة

Checking in luggage can cost more than your flight. Here, an expert reveals how to save a fortune with her amazing tips how to pack EVERYTHING into a cabin bag

Barmy but true: sometimes it costs more to take your case on a plane than it does for the seat itself. And with airline baggage fees constantly on the rise, it’s never been more important to pack well and pack light.

Alas, this is not something which comes naturally to us all. I always take more than I need and live in fear of airport scales. Which is why I make an SOS call to an expert and ask them to teach me how to pack my carry-on for a weekend break to Barcelona.

Into my life rolls Karen Powell, trailing her wheelie suitcase behind her as she promises to help me create more space.

She’s professionally known as The Organising Lady and has been packing other people’s ‘nick nicks’ (her words not mine) for 25 years. She takes one look at the swimwear, shorts and sun cream ­spilling out of my Antler suitcase and realises she’s got her work cut out.

Jo Kessel with her overflowing suitcase. She always takes more than she needs and lives in fear of airport scales

The process 

The first thing that Karen spots is my hairdryer, which she casts aside immediately. ‘Most hotel rooms have one,’ she says firmly, ‘and if they don’t, you can ask for one at reception.’

She then removes everything from the case and forms piles: tops in one, bikinis in another and so on. An eyebrow is raised at my four pairs of shoes.

‘You’re only going for three days, how many can you possibly need?’

She flashes two sets of flip flops in one hand, two lots of trainers in the other and forces me to choose one of each.

Elimination and compression 

It’s painful at first because everything she places in the rejection pile is something I do want to take. But the process is also liberating.

Four pairs of shorts become two, six tops become three and I’m allowed to keep all of my dresses because they’re thin and will pack down.

She folds and loads all of the above into a ­couple of compression packing cubes, which flatten to half-size once they’re double-zipped. It’s magic.

Next, she decants my toiletries into 100ml reusable squishy ­bottles and swaps out my two chunky jewellery boxes for a thin padded bag into which she slides my necklaces.

‘We don’t want anything with a hump or gusset. The aim is to keep everything flat,’ she says. TIME TO PACK

I never realised most cases have an inner lining which unzips for a reason. Why? So you can pack your dirty shoes underneath. One trainer gets a bikini top wedged inside; another gets a belt, then under that lining they go, followed by the flip flops.

There’s a space between the two, so Karen rolls my jeans to plug the gap. In artistic speak, packing is like making a collage. You keep adding bits until it ­creates the perfect, flat, cavity-free, compressed form.

The trick is to fill the suitcase right up to the edges.

Karen Powell, left, shows Jo how to divide and conquer when it comes to packing a suitcase effectively

Finishing touches 

As Karen stuffs my hairbrush at one end and my adaptor at another (a universal one with integrated USB sockets is ideal), she makes some final suggestions.

Instead of packing my bottle of Chanel No 5, she suggests we should open up the compression cubes and squirt perfume on to the clothes inside. Genius!

And nobody should travel without a silk pillow case, she says: ‘It’s kinder to hair and skin and can be used to carry dirty laundry on the return journey.’

Once everything’s packed

the case zips up easily, with space to spare.

Barcelona shopping spree here we come . . .

Spray clothes, fill footwear, pick with purpose 

Here are ‘The Organising Lady’ Karen Powell’s top golden rules (theorganisinglady.co.uk)

  • Cases with corners make better use of space than rounded edges. Avoid ornamental handles as they break more easily. TK Maxx has good, inexpensive options (tkmaxx.com).
  • Spray clothes with your favourite scent so you can leave the perfume bottle at home.
  • Never pack last minute, and make a list of ­everything you’ll need. Refine this list over time until it becomes your packing ‘bible’.
  • Pick multi-purpose garments that can be mixed and matched or transition from day to evening.
  • Expandable compression packing cubes work best, preferably washable ones with a view panel.
  • Roll or fold? That is the question. Rolling is suited only to smaller garments or to transform the shape of an item so it fits into a gap.
  • Decant toiletries into smaller, reusable 100 ml bottles, preferably squishy non-breakable ones. They’re stocked at most chemists.
  • Stuff shoes (with bikinis, socks, etc.). If worried about hygiene, wrap them in a ­compostable bag.
  • Keep everything as flat as possible.
  • Place dirty shoes underneath the zipped suitcase lining to separate them from clean clothes.

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