اخبار كورة

The tricky job of trying to find a replacement for Koeman

If Barcelona want to replace Ronald Koeman, and they do, the new coaching staff will need to earn no more than 3.88 million euros between them.

That figure is now even lower, as we are three months into the season, meaning a new head coach would be the poorest paid in the club's recent history and would be taking over at the most difficult point in the last 20 years - not an appealing vacancy to fill.

Even so, there will still be quite a few coaches keen on having a go at the Camp Nou, and it may be tailormade for a young up-and-coming coach to give it his all and attempt to turn things around.

Time is against them

As time passes, the situation becomes more and more complicated for the club.

"Three months of his contract have already passed, and now they can't replace him for 3.88 million euros (four percent), but for three percent (2.9 million euros)," explains the journalist Roberto Bayon.

"Koeman will be compensated for the three months of his contract [so far this season].

"If they get rid of him on January 1, instead of three percent it would be two percent.

"The longer they wait to replace him, the less they can pay the next guy.

"This is a rule that's been put in place by LaLiga to stop a club that is spending a lot ending up with no coach."

It may be difficult to convince a competent coach to take over the current situation on the pitch, at the same time doing so for a relatively low salary at a club like Barcelona.

Never before has the list of candidates for the Camp Nou job been so short.

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