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The reasons Clement Lenglet's Barça minutes have been limited so far

Clement Lenglet's been reduced to a secondary role at Barcelona so far this season despite Ronald Koeman often playing with a back three.

Piqué, Araujo and Eric Garcia are ahead of him in the rotation, with Lenglet starting just one of Barça's nine games so far this campaign.

The French defender was linked with a move away from Camp Nou in the summer butt made it clear he wanted to stay, even though the signing of Garcia and consolidation of Araujo has reduced his minutes. Only Samuel Umtiti, who's still not featured, has played less than him of the club's central defenders.

But Lenglet has found the positive from a tough spell. He's a player with his head screwed on who accepts his situation within the team's difficult moment. It's not easy but everyone must work hard.

Aside from the increased competition, it's also true he's had knee pain for several months, in concrete tendinitis which has prevented him from being 100%. The coaching staff know and all parties have agreed to take no risks.

In recent weeks, the pain has eased. In part thanks to the fact he's not had to play so much competitively when more is demanded of the body. The problem has hampered Koeman at times, who's not been able to play with a left-footer in his back three.

After the international break, the club hope he will be able to fight for his place again. If not as a regular, at least playing more.

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