اخبار كورة

Messi neglects to mention Barcelona as Champions League candidates

When Lionel Messi was asked to name the favourites for this season's Champions League, there was one notable name left off the Argentine's list... Barcelona.

The Paris Saint-Germain forward rhymed off all the sides that he thinks have a chance of winning Europe's elite competition this campaign, with no mention of his former team.

"Everyone thinks that Paris Saint-Germain will win the Champions League, but there are more teams," Messi told France Football.

"There is Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United, Real Madrid who always do well, Bayern Munich and Inter. I don't know if I forgot any."

Speaking of his own side, PSG, Messi recognised that there are good players in the group, but they need to gel as a team.

"We have some great individual players, but we still need to get to know each other well to form a team," Messi said.

"To win titles it's important that you play as a team.

"This is what makes me say that we're a step behind in comparison with all these clubs who have more collective experience than us."

Messi does believe, though, that this current group of PSG players are capable of doing special things.

"The club has been working towards this goal for a few years now and recently they've come close," Messi added.

"From a personal point of view, it's the same. I'd love to win the Champions League, just like I used to say when I was at Barcelona.

"It's a great competition, and very difficult to win, but I think that this group of players has the tools to win this title."

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