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Mane: My favourite moment at Liverpool was beating Barcelona 4-0

Sadio Mane, shortly after his Bayern Munich presentation, revealed that his favourite moment at Liverpool was his team's 4-0 victory in the return leg of the Champions League semi-finals against Barcelona in 2019.

That was when Liverpool managed to turn the tie around and qualify for the final despite losing 3-0 to the Blaugrana in the first leg that took place at the Camp Nou.

"I will go first of all for 2019 when we beat Barcelona at home, that was incredible, and as well when we won the Champions League," he told Liverpool's official media.

"For me, so far that is the best, best moment, or the moment that will stay forever in my head, for sure."

Difficult farewell

Mane bid farewell to the Liverpool fans after departing the Reds to join Bayern Munich in exchange for 36 million euros, with his new contract running until June 30, 2025.

"Obviously it is strange - really, really strange - to no longer be a Liverpool player after six years spent at Anfield," Mane noted.

"But of course I had a great time, an unbelievable time, and since my first day I really, really enjoyed training, playing, at Anfield especially and in front of these amazing supporters. Now it's come to the end, so what can you say?"

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