اخبار كورة

New Bayern signing Roca enjoyed watching them humiliate Barcelona

The former Espanyol midfielder said he watched the Champions League game with a smile

Marc Roca, who joined Bayern Munich from Espanyol in the transfer window, referred to the rivalry between Barcelona and Espanyol in an interview with the German media. 

The Bayern new boy admitted that he was delighted after watching the Bavarians hammer Barça 8-2 in the Champions League in August. 

"We know there's a huge rivalry between Barça and Espanyol," he said. "Obviously I supported Bayern and I was happy afterwards, even though the result was inflated that it was surprising for everyone. 

"But the superiority they showed on the pitch during that game was impressive to watch." 

Remember that Roca spent more than a decade with Espanyol, who he joined in 2008. Following their relegation, though, he joined Bayern for around €15 million. 

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