اخبار كورة

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LIVE: AC Milan vs Liverpool - Origi starts with Salah and Mane as Reds look to maintain 100% record... while Atletico must win and Real Madrid and Inter battle for top spot

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LIVE: AC Milan vs Liverpool - Origi starts with Salah and Mane as Reds look to maintain 100% record... while Atletico must win and Real Madrid and Inter battle for top spot

Liverpool will be looking for a win to complete a perfect group stage performance as they take on AC Milan at the San Siro in a huge Champions League clash.

The Reds have won all five of their group matches so far, and are assured to go through as group winners already as they take on an Italian side still looking to secure a last-16 place.

Follow Sportsmail's DAN RIPLEY for live Champions League coverage, including build-up, updates and scorelines as groups B, C and D come to an enticing close. 

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