اخبار كورة

Mbappe: Winning the Champions League is PSG's clear objective, we know there is a way

Kylian Mbappe has reiterated that Paris Saint-Germain's main objective is to win the Champions League trophy for the first time in their history.

After reaching the final in 2020, PSG failed to make it through the Round of 16 last season when they were knocked out by frequent Champions League winners Real Madrid.

"[Winning the Champions League is PSG's] clear and defined objective," Mbappe told BFMTV, who will broadcast his full interview on Friday afternoon.

After overtaking Zlatan Ibrahimovic as PSG's second top scorer of all time, Mbappe has stressed that he aspires to become the top scorer in the history of the club ahead of Edinson Cavani.

"If I continue like this, there's no reason why I can't do it," Mbappe added.

"It would be incredible, if I could do it."

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