اخبار كورة

Real Madrid worried about the Champions League, not Mbappe

It hasn't taken long for Kylian Mbappe's future to once again become a talking point.

After signing a new contract with Paris Saint-Germain over the summer, it looks as though the Frenchman will be considering his options in the not too distant future.

L'Equipe reports that Mbappe's new deal runs until June 2024, meaning he will be free to renegotiate or choose a new club in 15 months.

As a result Real Madrid, who were thought to be Mbappe's next destination before he opted to stay at PSG, are once again monitoring the situation, though this latest news hasn't changed much for the club's directors.

They are focused on what they currently have while continuing to shape the club's future, a strategy that has helped them turn promising players into sure things while protecting the club's finances during the pandemic.

As a result, news of Mbappe's contract hasn't altered their approach. Real Madrid spent a lot of time courting the Frenchman, first in 2017 and then in the summer of 2021 until last spring.

While they haven't closed the door on signing the forward in the future, nobody at the club is focused on that at the moment.

Carlo Ancelotti and the club's directors are always keen to improve the squad, but right now, they are focused on developing the young talent they have within their ranks.

If the chance to sign Mbappe or Erling Haaland were to present itself, they would then consider it.

Sporting and economic strategy

Although Real Madrid closed the 2021/22 season with a profit of 13 million euros, and a net balance of 425 million euros, don't expect that to result in uncontrolled spending.

Los Blancos will continue on the sporting-economic strategy they have set out in recent years, regardless of any pressure put on them by fans or journalists.

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