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Martin Odegaard's dancer girlfriend shows off her moves as she celebrates Arsenal's stunning win over Chelsea... after Norwegian playmaker picked up Man of the Match award against rivals

  • Martin Odegaard put in a five-star performance in Arsenal's win over Chelsea
  • After, his girlfriend Helene Spilling showed off her impressive dance moves 
  • Questioning Stuart Attwell’s integrity is a disgrace for Nottingham Forest - Listen to the It's All Kicking Off podcast 

After Martin Odegaard did his dancing on the pitch, his girlfriend Helene Spilling showcased her moves off of it as she celebrated Arsenal's win over Chelsea.

The Norwegian playmaker dazzled during the Gunners' victory on Tuesday night, picking up two assists and the Man of the Match award after their 5-0 win. 

The win helped launch Arsenal three points clear at the top of the table and, given the party atmosphere at the Emirates at full-time, Spilling couldn't help but show off her moves.

In a TikTok that emerged after the match, Odegaard's girlfriend was seen dancing to Shakira's 'Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)' - which has become the anthem for Kai Havertz - after full-time. 

Spilling's spirits were clearly at a high as she danced away in the stands, while Odegaard applauded the home fans after the victory. 

Martin Odegaard's girlfriend - Helene Spilling - danced around to celebrate Arsenal's victory

Odegaard did his dancing on the pitch as he picked up two assists in the 5-0 win over Chelsea


Martin Ødegaard has the moves on the pitch, and his girlfriend has the moves off it. Helene Spilling enjoying her boyfriend’s performance at the Emirates tonight. Things you love to see!

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