LIVE: Chelsea vs Leicester - Timo Werner and Christian Pulisic start with Blues eager for revenge after FA Cup final agony in HUGE clash in race for Champions League places with Liverpool [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

LIVE: Chelsea vs Leicester - Timo Werner and Christian Pulisic start with Blues eager for revenge after FA Cup final agony in HUGE clash in race for Champions League places with Liverpool

Chelsea will be desperate to put their FA Cup final heartbreak behind them when they host Leicester tonight at 8:15pm in a mammoth fixture which could prove decisive in the race for a top-four finish.

Chelsea, who were beaten 1-0 by Leicester in Saturday's FA Cup final at Wembley, know that only a win will do tonight as they look to wrap up a Champions League spot come the end of the season.

Leicester currently sit third in the Premier League with two matches left, two points ahead of Chelsea in fourth while Liverpool sit one point further back with games against Burnley and Crystal Palace to finish the season.

Follow Sportsmail's Jonathan Spencer for live EPL coverage of Chelsea vs Leicester, including scoreline, lineups and build-up, and we will also bring you live updates from Brighton vs Man City.

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