Barça interested in Bernardo Silva and now know how much he will cost [1] 0 تعليق 4 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Manchester City forward will not be allowed to leave for cheap

Barça would love to sign him but it may depend on Frenkie de Jong's future

For the second summer running Barcelona are interested in Bernardo Silva. The Manchester City midfielder was close to leaving last year for around 70 million euros, but his fine season will see the Premier League club ask for more than 90 million this time around, according to The Mirror. The question is: If Barça could not reach 70 million last year, how could they make 90 million this year?

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Barça's midfield/interiors

Barcelona's midfield/interiors is one of the strong points of the team, with players like Pedri, Gavi, Frenkie de Jong and Franck Kessie (still to be officially announced), Riqui Puig and Poble Torre, but with uncertainty over De Jong, Puig and Torre, they could sign another player for that position.

Uniting Bernardo with Pedri is a dream for coach Xavi Hernandez, who governed the Barça and Spain midfield for years alongside Andres Iniesta.

Bernardo's form

Bernardo Silva, in 35 appearances this season, scored eight goals and set up five more. He won the Premier League, was MVP in the semifinal of the Champions League against Real Madrid and can play as an interior or wide. In some games when Pep Guardiola's team struggled to bring the ball forward, he even dropped back to help in that sense.

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