The Raphinha domino: Leeds's offer for Adama Traore [1] 0 تعليق 9 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Yorkshire club are interested in bringing the former Barcelona winger up north

Leeds United are interested in Adama Traore and have made a bid of 18 million pounds to Wolves for the winger, per Football Insider - around 21 million euros.

Leeds’ director of football, Victor Orta, is an admirer of Traore and brought him to Middlesbrough from Aston Villa in 2016.

Wolves are willing to sell Traore to raise money for other signings they need. Conversations over a new deal were not fruitful and this is their last chance to sell him for money.

Everton are also interested with Richarlison a potential departee. 

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