How Chelsea spent over £800m on signings

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Chelsea's considerable success in the last 20 years or so can be partly attributed to the significant amount of money they have spent in the transfer market. Indeed, the Blues have never had any issue splashing the cash on talented players, especially after Roman Abramovich took control of the club in 2003.

While there have been some notable flops, many new signings played a pivotal role in an unprecedented era of success for the club featuring Premier League triumphs, two Champions League wins and five FA Cup successes.

Abramovich may now be gone but Chelsea's new owners, a consortium fronted by Ted Boehly, have already demonstrated their willingness to continue spending big, as underlined by the signing of Raheem Sterling, who was brought in from Manchester City to fortify their attack in a deal worth around £50 million ($60m).

Here, GOAL takes a look at the 15 most expensive signings in the Blues' history…

Note: All figures are taken from Transfermarkt unless stated otherwise

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