Chelsea fan given indefinite ban for racist Son abuse

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A season-ticket holding Chelsea fan has been given an indefinite ban from attending matches at the club following an incident of racist abuse aimed towards Tottenham player Son Heung-min during the 2-2 draw between the two clubs on Sunday, August 14.

The club released a statement to confirm that the individual had been identified and subsequently banned from Stamford Bridge.

The club released a statement earlier in the week regarding its investigation into an incident of racist abuse and the individual would be subject to the strongest possible action.

In the statement, they also said: "Chelsea Football Club finds any form of discriminatory behaviour totally abhorrent. It has no place at Chelsea or in any of our communities.

"Chelsea FC has consistently made its zero tolerance position on discriminatory behaviour very clear, yet there are still idiots like this that attach themselves to this club as so-called ‘fans’, which shames Chelsea FC, our coaches, players, staff and our true supporters."

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