Man Utd seal loan deal for Newcastle keeper Dubravka

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WHAT HAPPENED? Dubravka completed his move on Thursday ahead of Manchester United match against Leicester City in what is expected to be the last piece of incoming business for the Red Devils this summer. He carries a reported £2 million loan fee with a £6m obligation to buy if he plays a certain number of matches.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Manchester United had been in the market to sign a new shot-stopper after allowing Dean Henderson to join Nottingham Forest on loan for the duration of the 2022-23 campaign. That left them with only 36-year-old Tom Heaton available as backup for first-choice David de Gea.


WHAT NEXT FOR MANCHESTER UNITED? Erik ten Hag and Dubravka will be hoping the 33-year-old will be ready to slot into the squad soon, though with De Gea in control of the starting role, Dubravka may not see the pitch much this year.

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