NYC, Lakers doctor & £75m: Fofana's Chelsea transfer

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WHAT HAPPENED? The French defender joined the Blues from Leicester in the summer transfer window in a deal worth £75 million ($88m) including add-ons as he signed a seven-year contract. The 21-year-old had to travel to the United States to complete some of the formalities and had to visit a doctor who works with the famous basketball team.

WHAT THEY SAID: Fofana told L'Equipe of the lengthy exam in New York: "I was thinking of doing it in London and I learned that it would in fact take place in New York! It was a quick trip but I spent a lot of time in the clinic. He was the Lakers doctor who was overseeing all the tests, he looked at everything. They examined my ankle, peeled everything, even parts about my body which I can't talk about, to see how I came back from injury. It lasted more than 10 hours!"

THE BIGGER PICTURE: A lot is expected of Fofana due to the big price Chelsea have paid for him, but he is not intimidated, saying: "It's recognition of my work but I try not to think about the price because it can quickly put a lot of pressure on me. I just have to keep the pleasure of playing football. I'm signing for a very big club, that's for sure. A club known all over the world, which has in its DNA to win trophies every year."


WHAT NEXT FOR CHELSEA? Fofana could make his debut for the London club this weekend when they welcome West Ham to Stamford Bridge.

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