Fred reveals that he knew Casemiro would be joining Manchester United 'months before' transfer was complete

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WHAT HAPPENED? In perhaps the shock move of the summer, Casemiro joined United from Real Madrid. Many people didn't understand why he made the move from the 14-time European champions, but Fred said he knew the imperious central defensive midfielder was joining way before the deal was announced - although he was also taken aback by the news.

WHAT HE SAID: Asked whether he was surprised at Casemiro's decision: "Man, at first, yes. I found out well before they announced it. A few months before, we had already talked, me and him," Fred told . "We had a nice chat, he had asked how it was, I explained everything to him, what was happening at the club, that it was not one of the best moments, but which, as I said, would be a fresh start with the arrival of a new coach.

"And he liked the project, thought it would be a cool project and decided to join us. And as I said, we are on a good path, we are winning some games, we have already beaten some of the big six clubs as well. So, as I said, it's a process and at first we are on the right path."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The move has so far been a success for both parties involved. Casemiro was recently awarded United's Player of the Month award for October and they currently sit fifth, one point off of the top four places in the Premier League. United also qualified for the next stage of the Europa League but face a play-off in order to reach the last-16.

IN TWO PHOTOS:Casemiro Man Utd 2022-23Getty ImagesCasemiro Man Utd 2022-23Getty Images

WHAT NEXT FOR MAN UNITED? The Red Devils take on Aston Villa twice in the next week, first on November 6 in the Premier League, then on November 10 in the Carabao Cup. They then face Fulham in their last game before the World Cup break.

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