Wayne Rooney responds after Cristiano Ronaldo accusations

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Cristiano Ronaldo is dominating all the headlines at the moment. While he's done that for years thanks to his incredible football skills, his recent interview has put him in the limelight for very different reasons.

The Portuguese star didn't hold back when speaking with Piers Morgan. His situation at Manchester United is untenable and he knows that his relationship with Erik ten Hag is very bad, staying he doesn't respect his coach.

He also didn't hold back in criticizing former teammates like Gary Neville or Wayne Rooney, who have hit out at the striker in the past.

Rooney backs down

Now, DC United coach and former Manchester United player Wayne Rooney has responded to Cristiano Ronaldo's words. In an interview with CNN, the Englishman stated that he never meant to criticize his former teammate while listing him as one of the best of all-time.

"I've always said it, Cristiano is a fantastic player," said Rooney. "He and Lionel Messi are probably the two best players in history. I didn't criticize him, what I said is that age catches up with us all. Cristiano is finding it hard to deal with that."

This comes after Cristiano said that he didn't understand why Rooney criticized him so much after meeting up and even playing together recently.

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