Guardiola agrees Manchester City contract renewal until 2025

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Pep Guardiola will remain at Manchester City. The two parties had long been in agreement to extend their relationship, but the Catalan coach has now given the green light to the Premier League side to extend his contract for two more seasons, until June 2025.

According to The Athletic, the former Barcelona coach will sign for one season plus an optional one. Both parties have the possibility to extend that extra year.

Guardiola concludes his current relationship with City next June as things stand. He arrived in Manchester in the summer of 2016 after a successful spell at Bayern Munich.

He has therefore already spent seven seasons with the English club, but he feels happy and at ease and has decided to continue his career there for two more years.

Stability and confidence

"It's not about all the time winning, or all the time being happy or all the time working the way you are thinking. It's not about the achievements after six or seven years, it's about seeing that you are comfortable here," the 51-year-old said a few days ago.

In his words, he already made it clear that the deal seems close: "It's difficult to find what I have here as a coach. In the big clubs, part of the success of the coach is the president, especially the sporting director and all the people here. There is stability. That's why I think that only in a few clubs this can happen."

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