Glazer family 'open' to exploring Man Utd sale as owners seek new investment options

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WHAT'S HAPPENING? Sky News report that a team of investment bankers were asked to advise on the process on Tuesday, with the owners set to officially announce their intention of examining potential external investment. This is likely to come in the form of a full or partial sale, or a strategic partnership with third parties, in what would be an auction of one of the world's biggest football clubs.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The Glazers' 17-year rule over United has been marred in rising debts and vigorous fan protest, with little improvement on the pitch to go with it. United remain without a Premier League title since Sir Alex Ferguson retired back in 2013, and the owners have faced serious backlash for their insufficient supporter-ownership scheme, with the majority of voting rights retained in their dual-class share structure.

AND WHAT'S MORE: Any potential sale would be a seminal moment for much of the club's fanbase, in what would be a second top-flight ownership change in quick succession after Roman Abramovich's forced £2.5bn sale of Chelsea earlier this year. Fenway Sports Group, who own Liverpool, are also said to be exploring external investment opportunities currently.

STORY IN THREE PHOTOS:Glazers Manchester UnitedGO Glazers Out Manchester UnitedProtest Manchester United Liverpool 2020-21Getty Images

WHAT NEXT FOR UNITED? Various individuals and groups have been linked with purchasing the club in the past. Sir Jim Ratcliffe and Michael Knighton would be among those interested should a chance to invest be presented.

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