WATCH: 'Ronaldo's a great Man Utd player!' - Avram Glazer grilled by reporter in street amid CR7 exit & sale talk

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WHAT HAPPENED? The American businessman, who is a controversial co-owner at Old Trafford, has also been asked about the revelation that the Glazer family are now open to offers for the Premier League heavyweights as they look to sell up and move on. He has given little away on either subject, telling Sky News that “the board went through a process” on the sale front while refusing to be drawn on criticism from Ronaldo that was aimed in the direction of United’s current board.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Ronaldo, who returned to Manchester for a second spell with United in the summer of 2021, is now a free agent and a decision on his next move is expected to be made once another bid for World Cup glory with Portugal comes to a close.

WHAT NEXT? The Glazers have been at Old Trafford for 17 years, with regular protests staged against their presence, but they could soon be heading in the same direction as Ronaldo as United prepare to enter new eras on and off the field.

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