Man Utd loanee Amad Diallo's 'body has almost shut down' at Sunderland, admits Tony Mowbray

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WHAT HAPPENED? The Ivorian joined United from Atalanta for £37 million in January 2021 but was loaned to Rangers and then to Championship side Sunderland in the summer to fast-track his development. The 20-year-old has been a vital cog in Mowbray's system, making 31 appearances across all competitions this campaign and scoring eight goals. However, the rigours of a full season are catching up with him as he had played just 17 first-team games previously in his career. Amad sat out Sunderland’s win at Norwich last weekend despite not suffering with any kind of specific injury, and Mowbray has admitted that he needs more time to recharge his batteries.

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