If Khvicha Kvaratskhelia joins Manchester United the days of George Best will return! - Christian Vieri

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WHAT HAPPENED? Very few players have stolen the hearts of football fans quite like Kvaratskhelia has done this season. Donning Napoli's famous blue colours after a €12 million summer switch from Dinamo Batumi, the Georgian winger has been nothing short of electric during their push for a Serie A title, putting together a truly world-class season that has put him on the map in European football. The likes of Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester City have been linked with Kvaratskhelia, but Vieri believes Old Trafford could be the best place for him to unlock his full potential, and has compared him to a United legend.

اخلاء مسئولية! : هذا المحتوى لم يتم انشائة او استضافته بواسطة موقع اخبار الكورة و اي مسؤلية قانونية تقع على عاتق الموقع مصدر الخبر : GOAL [1] , يتم جمع الاخبار عن طريق خدمة ال RSS المتاحة مجانا للجمهور من المصدر : GOAL [1] مع الحفظ على حقوق الملكية الخاصة بمصدر الخبر.

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