WATCH: 'Not interested' - Legendary former Man Utd boss Sir Alex Ferguson gives hilarious response to Arsenal's title battle with Man City at Cheltenham races

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WHAT HAPPENED? The Premier League title race is set to go down the wire as Arsenal and Manchester City find themselves locked in an intense battle for the ultimate prize in English football. Mikel Arteta's men boast a five-point lead over City with just 11 games left to play. Meanwhile, Erik ten Hag's Manchester United have fallen significantly behind in third after losing 7-0 at Liverpool and drawing at home to Southampton. With United no longer considered as title contenders, Ferguson wasn't particularly enthusiastic to answer who he thinks will win the trophy when asked at the sidelines of the Cheltenham races. The legendary former United manager simply replied "I'm not interested" before breaking out a wry smile.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The Red Devils have not the Premier League since Ferguson oversaw their 20th title success in the 2012-2013 season. In the meantime, their arch-rivals Manchester City have won it on five occasions, the most of any club in the last decade. However, the Gunners are on course to end City's dominance this season as they chase their first domestic crown since the 2003-04 season.

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