Premier League player arrested for alleged child sex offences

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Reports in England on Monday evening revealed that a Premier League footballer has been arrested on suspicion of child sex offences. The player was arrested last Friday by Greater Manchester Police, although he was later released on bail.

For legal reasons, the player cannot be named at this stage, but the reports say that he is a 31-year-old and that he is married.

The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror and The Sun have all reported on this case, speaking to sources involved with the investigation.

"Several items were seized by cops and he was questioned in relation to very serious offences," one source said.

A police spokesperson also released a statement on the matter.

"Officers arrested a man on Friday July 16, 2021, on suspicion of child sex offences," it started. "He is on police bail pending further enquiries."

The Premier League club's response to the allegations

The player's club - which we also won't name at this time - also spoke to the English media about the situation, having temporarily removed the player from the first-team squad.

"We can confirm we have suspended a first-team player pending a police investigation," the club said. "The club will continue to support the authorities with their inquiries and will not be making any further statement at this time."

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