Todd Boehly's Chelsea breaks the market again: top 10 European teams that spent the most

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Por:SAMUpdated: 02-09-202420:06 horas

As has become customary, the Premier League, with six teams, has dominated the summer transfer market on the back of big money. A total of 2.193 billion euros was spent during this market (270 less than last year, according to CIES Observatory Football). Once again, it was Chelsea that invested the most in reinforcements this season. Despite this dominance, Atletico Madrid have stood out as they have made a large outlay this summer period to take a step forward in the competitions in which they are immersed and present their candidacy for everything that is at stake. In the case of Spain, the spending of last year remains at the same level as last year, when 515 million euros were spent on transfers. This year, the amount has remained at 533 million euros.

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