Rooney and his doubts about England's top six: There are many teams fighting for the top four

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England legend Wayne Rooney gave his opinion on the European Super League, stating that he believes England's six clubs involved must have reasons for supporting the move.

Rooney's former club Manchester United are one of the six - along with Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham and Arsenal - and the ex-England forward doesn't think they would make the move unless it was beneficial to them.

"I don't know who the top six clubs are in this country," Rooney said on Monday. "There are many teams fighting for the top four, so that'd be my first point.

"In terms of everything I've seen, it's strange timing and it's a strange situation to come out, but I'm sure there are reasons for that.

"I think the best thing to do is to wait and see what information comes out to see how it's actually going to work. The people in charge of these clubs aren't stupid. The only hope to come from it, it looks like it will happen, but the only hope is that the English pyramid is protected and rewarded in order to allow these clubs to go and do what they're planning on doing."

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