اخبار كورة

Transfer news and rumours LIVE: Dembele wants scenery change

The forward feels a new challenge is necessary to resurrect his club career

Barcelona forward Ousmane Dembele wants a change of scenery as he looks to rebuild his injury-ridden career, according to Mundo Deportivo, and that desire may land him in the Premier League.

He's being targetted by Manchester United, Newcastle and Tottenham, though the report states that others could join the race for the 24-year-old.

Since joining the Blaugrana, Dembele has made only 83 appearances in La Liga in five years - an average of just over 16 per campaign. But now healthy after recovering from an injury sustained at Euro 2020, he hopes to return to his best soon.

Flamengo will sell midfielder Max to the Colorado Rapids for $1 million, writes Globo Esporte.

The 20-year-old already has 19 career appearances in Brazil’s top-flight.

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