اخبار كورة

Transfer news LIVE: Eden Hazard 'turns down a shock approach from Newcastle', while Anthony Martial 'rejects loan offers from the Premier League' - plus the latest from Europe

Transfer news LIVE: Eden Hazard 'turns down a shock approach from Newcastle', while Manchester United outcast Anthony Martial 'rejects loan offers from Tottenham and Newcastle' - plus the latest from Europe

  • The January transfer window is now open and active for Premier League sides 
  • Clubs will have until 11pm on Monday, January 31 to complete their signings 
  • A number of high-profile players have been linked with big-money transfers 
  • Catch all the latest transfer news and done deals from around the world here 

The January window is now open for business in the Premier League and around Europe, with clubs looking to add to their squads as we go into the second half of the campaign.

The window began on January 1 for Premier League clubs, which was also the case in Scotland, Germany and France, while those in Italy and Spain had to wait until January 3 to make any signings.

A number of teams have made transfers already - with all eyes on Newcastle to see if they will do any further business under their new Saudi owners. Sportsmail's DANIEL  DAVIS will keep you up-to-date.

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