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FA set to add a former player to their board in a bid to stave off Government plans to establish an independent regulator to football 

FA set to add a former player to their board in a bid to stave off Government plans to establish an independent regulator to football

  • There are threats that an independent regulator will be appointed for football 
  • The FA are set to add a former player to the board with a shortlist of three ex-pros
  • Their plan comes as they look to temper the Government's plans for a regulator

The FA are closing in on naming a former player to their board amid threats of an independent regulator for the sport.

A shortlist of three ex-pros has been settled on and the FA have started their due diligence.

The arrival of a former player comes as the organisation look to temper Government plans to establish a regulator.

The FA are closing in on naming a former player to their board amid threats of an independent regulator for football, after the Government said it aims to implement Tracey Crouch's report

Last week, Whitehall announced an intention to introduce a new body that will have far-reaching powers, including the ability to sanction clubs.

But there is optimism that stakeholders, including the FA, can avoid a truly independent body if they can satisfy the Government of their structure.

Whitehall wants sufficient independence on the FA board, which they will implement. The regulator, in some form, should be set up for 2023-24. 

The Premier League, led by Richard Masters (pictured), released a statement saying reform is needed but that an independent regulator is 'not necessary'

Government has committed itself to create a new football regulator, which will have the power to sanction poorly run clubs, but it will not be free to ban owners over geopolitical concerns.

Culture secretary Nadine Dorries has set out her views on how football should be run, to protect the game from future power grabs and clubs from a looming financial crisis.

Ms Dorries was formally responding to the fan-led review of football published last year by former sports minister, Tracey Crouch.

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