اخبار كورة

Liverpool's new hero: How Nunez outshone Haaland

One game, one goal, one trophy. One new hero, topless and top-knotted, for Liverpool supporters to worship.

As debuts go, Darwin Nunez could hardly have asked for a better one. When you arrive at a new club in a new league, and for a big transfer fee, the first thing you want to do is start well. The Uruguayan has certainly done that.

“Big for him, and big for us,” was the verdict of Virgil van Dijk after Nunez had emerged from the bench to sink Manchester City in the FA Community Shield at the King Power Stadium on Saturday. 

In a little over half an hour in Leicester, the £64-million ($76m) man showed exactly why Liverpool were so keen to sign him from Benfica, why Van Dijk believes him to be the perfect “modern-day striker”, and why Jurgen Klopp is convinced the 23-year-old will make a side which chased the quadruple last season even stronger. 

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