اخبار كورة

Barca-linked Bernardo makes final decision on City future

WHAT HAPPENED? Bernardo Silva spoke after Manchester City's 6-0 Premier League victory against Nottingham Forest, insisting his future lies at the Etihad Stadium and that he has not received any formal offers ahead of Thursday's transfer deadline.

WHAT THEY SAID: "I’m going to stay at Manchester City. I haven't received any offers. I'm staying in Manchester, here I'm happy and the decision has been made," said the Portugal international.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Bernardo Silva's transfer saga had been a sideshow for City throughout the summer window, with PSG and Barcelona mooted as possible destinations. However, Guardiola had asserted that the player remains a vital cog in his system and would not be allowed to leave cheaply.


WHAT NEXT FOR MANCHESTER CITY? Guardiola's troops will be back in Premier League action on Saturday when they take in a trip to struggling Aston Villa.

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