اخبار كورة

Xhaka blasts Arsenal celebration critics

WHAT HAPPENED? Pundits such as Richard Keys and Graeme Souness took aim at Mikel Arteta’s side after their dramatic comeback victory against the Cottagers at the weekend, claiming they overdid their celebrations at the full-time whistle.

But Xhaka has responded defiantly, telling Arsenal’s critics to show some respect. 

WHAT THEY SAID: Speaking to reporters after Wednesday night's win against Aston Villa, Xhaka said: "You have respect for every club and the people if they say that we can’t celebrate because it was Fulham, they don’t respect the Fulham team. You saw them as well on Tuesday [against Brighton], they won again. They have lost only against us in five games. So give them some credit, give them some respect.

“If you don’t celebrate, they say to us: ‘Why don’t you celebrate?’ If we celebrate, they say: ‘Why you celebrate?’ So sometimes you can’t make everyone happy. This is our job, this is what we want to do. We celebrate if we win, it doesn’t matter against who.”

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Richard Keys, who works as a football anchor for beIN SPORTS, led the criticism of Arsenal at the weekend, saying they shouldn't be celebrating wins against the likes of Fulham.

“Steady, it’s Fulham,” he said. “Enjoy it, but I don’t understand this. They’ve beaten Fulham. They’ve won nothing. They’ve over celebrated this.”


DID YOU KNOW? Arsenal have started a league season with five straight wins for only the fourth time in their history. On the previous three occasions, they have gone on to never finish outside the top two.

WHAT NEXT FOR ARSENAL? Arsenal travel to Manchester United on Sunday in the Premier League.

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