اخبار كورة

Conte takes aim at 'not good enough' Doherty

WHAT HAPPENED: Despite being Conte's go-to man for his right wing-back position last season, Doherty has seen his minutes limited in 2022-23, making just three appearances this term. The manager suggested that the Republic of Ireland international isn't giving him any reason to pick him - although many believe the competition, Emerson Royal, isn't much better.

WHAT HE SAID: Speaking in a press conference, Conte told reporters: "Doherty last season played every game, and now I am not seeing him in the right way to start games. I am not stupid. I don't want to lose."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Doherty was brought on in the second-half against Arsenal after Emerson was sent off for what was his first Premier League appearance of the season. He has clearly fallen out of favour with the Italian, only making sub appearances in the Champions League so far too.


WHAT NEXT FOR DOHERTY: With his main competition suspended, Doherty will be hoping to get back into Conte's good books and force his way back into the first team. Emerson is obviously not suspended for the Champions League, so he may have to wait for the Premier League fixture against Brighton to show what he is made of.

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