اخبار كورة

Gazza-esque? Elliott likened to England legend

WHAT HAPPENED? The current Sunderland boss, who worked with a talented 19-year-old during a loan spell at Blackburn, is reluctant to place a hot prospect in the same talent category as an iconic playmaker from the past. He is, however, prepared to admit that they share a “love of the ball” and that a youngster making a positive impression with Premier League heavyweights is capable of forging a lasting legacy of his own.

WHAT THEY SAID: Mowbray has told BBC Sport of Elliott: "I know how much he loves the game. At the core is this love of football and that drives the very best players. I wouldn't compare Harvey to Paul Gascoigne, but the sheer traits of the love of the ball and the game - they had it. They can do anything with the ball. Jurgen has seen the talent and trusts him. I would be excited if I was a Liverpool supporter about the continued emergence of Harvey Elliott."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Elliott, who made a senior breakthrough with Fulham at 16 years of age, joined Liverpool in 2019 and has taken in 30 competitive appearances for the Reds – with 10 of those, and a first Premier League goal, coming in the current campaign.


WHAT NEXT FOR LIVERPOOL? Jurgen Klopp’s side have made a slow start to the 2022-23 season, with points dropped in domestic and continental competition, but they will be back in action on Tuesday when playing host to Scottish giants Rangers in the Champions League.

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