اخبار كورة

Darwin Núñez: "I don't understand a word Klopp says"

Darwin Núñez has not only struggled for form at Liverpool this season. It turns out that he's struggling to understand Klopp's team talks as well! In a post-match interview with ESPN after the Champions League clash against Rangers, the Uruguayan striker admitted he doesn't understand a word Klopp says.

"To be honest with you, I don't understand anything in his team talks". He went onto reveal that he relies on his team mates to translate what he says: "Of course I ask my team mates what he's saying, but I think he has a clear idea about his style of play".

I don't understand a world Klopp says"

Perhaps Darwin's lack of understanding is one of the reasons behind the disappointing start he's made at the Reds. He's scored just two goals in eight appearances for the Scouse club.

Liverpool's 2-0 win against Rangers last night in the Champions League is an important step forward for the club after their erratic performances and form this season, and will do the players' confidence the world of good.

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