اخبار كورة

Arsenal schedule December friendly against Juventus in preparation for Premier League title chase

WHAT HAPPENED? Arsenal announced on Thursday that they will welcome Italian giants Juve to the Emirates Stadium on December 17, a day before the World Cup ends.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The north London side will take on the Bianconeri to help prepare them for their return to Premier League action after the World Cup. Mikel Arteta's team are also set to face Lyon and AC Milan in the Dubai Super Cup earlier in December.

WHAT THEY SAID?: Arteta told Arsenal's website: "We’re looking forward to hosting Juventus at the Emirates. Our supporters have been magnificent this season. They’ve created such a strong connection with the team and it’ll be fantastic to rekindle that spirit before competitive action starts up again."

IN THREE PHOTOS:Getty ImagesGettyGetty

WHAT NEXT FOR ARSENAL? Before the game against Juventus, Arsenal will face Lyon in the Dubai Super Cup on December 8.

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