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Announcement incoming! McKennie's agents confirm USMNT star's imminent Leeds transfer in deleted Instagram post

WHAT HAPPENED? McKennie's agency, Wasserman Soccer, posted a now-deleted congratulatory message to their client for completing his move to Leeds. The U.S. men's national team star is expected to join Leeds on loan from Juventus, with reports saying Leeds will have the option to buy if they remain in the Premier League.

THE BIGGER PICTURE: McKennie is set to become the latest American to make the move to Leeds, joining USMNT teammates Tyler Adams and Brenden Aaronson as well as manager Jesse Marsch. The move will give him a chance to play alongside Adams at club level, having shone next to the defensive midfielder at the World Cup in Qatar.


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WHAT NEXT FOR LEEDS? McKennie could make his Leeds debut as soon as Sunday when they visit Nottingham Forest in a clash of teams sitting just outside of relegation danger.

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