اخبار كورة

Why was Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson left out of the Brazil squad? Man City rival Ederson ‘surprised’ by shock selection call

WHAT HAPPENED? The South American nation are due to take in a friendly date with 2022 World Cup semi-finalists Morocco on Saturday, with Ederson very much in contention to line up between the sticks in that contest. Weverton and Mycael are the other keeping options at interim boss Ramon Menezes’ disposal, with Alisson – who was his country’s No.1 at Qatar 2022 and has 61 caps to his name – a shock omission from the Brazil selection.

اخلاء مسئولية! : هذا المحتوى لم يتم انشائة او استضافته بواسطة موقع اخبار الكورة و اي مسؤلية قانونية تقع على عاتق الموقع مصدر الخبر : GOAL [1] , يتم جمع الاخبار عن طريق خدمة ال RSS المتاحة مجانا للجمهور من المصدر : GOAL [1] مع الحفظ على حقوق الملكية الخاصة بمصدر الخبر.