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Drama on the Championship play-off Final: Luton Town's captain collapsed on field; team overcomes and rises to Premier League

Dramatic scenes took place at Wembley Stadium in the Championship play-off final in England. During the match between Luton Town and Coventry City, the Hatters' captain Tom Lockyer collapsed on field.

Only 11 minutes after the game started, the tense moment occur. Lockyer was running when suddenly he fell and wasn't able to get up. The referee immediately stopped the match and called for urgent medical attention for Luton Town's defender from both clubs' staff. Fortunately, when he was carted off the field, he was conscious, but supported by an oxygen bag around his mouth.

During the match, the teams' social media gave some good news. "We are able to report that after collapsing on the pitch, Tom Lockyer has been taken to hospital for further tests. He is responsive and talking to his family, who are with him. We are all with you, Locks",Luton Town shared through a Twitter statement.

About the game...

The loss of the welsh defender for the Championship play-off final was a hard hit for the Hatters, as Tom Lockyer is not only the captain, but also de defensive leader and, ironically, a recent constant goal scorer... He celebrated three goals in the last five games with Luton Town, including the one than granted the Hatters the victory in the Semifinal against Sunderland.

Despite that setback, Luton Town manage to make history... and won the Championship play-off Final and the ticket to be a part of the Premier League! The defeated Coventry City 6-5 in penalty kicks, and several players dedicated the victory to Tom Lockyer.

Only 9 years ago, Luton Town was part of the fifth division from England, and now, despite every challenge... the team can join the elite!

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