اخبار كورة

Kendry Paez: Why Chelsea have spent £17m on Ecuador's insanely-talented wonderkid

The finest footballing exports from the continent of South America are invariably associated with either Brazil or Argentina, but one precocious Ecuadorian is out to change the narrative.

Kendry Paez has long mixed it with the big boys. Having outgrown both the Under-17 and Under-19 sides, the attacking midfielder has already made his first-team breakthrough for Independiente del Valle in his home country at just 15 years old, inevitably drawing the attention of some of Europe's elite in the process.

A move to Chelsea beckons when Paez turns 18 in 2025, with the Blues having agreed to pay up to £17 million ($21m) to bring the playmaker to west London as their drive to add bright young talent to both their senior and academy ranks continues apace.

It feels strange to look back at the origins of a career that's still in its infancy, but Paez has come so far in such a short time. GOAL breaks down the prodigy's rise to prominence...

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