اخبار كورة

World-class or overhyped: What makes Declan Rice a £100m+ player?

Declan Rice has the opportunity to cement his West Ham legacy by helping his boyhood team lift the Europa Conference League trophy on Wednesday. Fiorentina are the only thing that stand between the Hammers and continental glory, and if reports are to be believed, losing could spell the end of manager David Moyes' time at the London Stadium.

This is not the only high-profile departure that West Ham are preparing themselves for this summer, though. Rice has just one year left to run on the contract he signed back in 2018 and now looks all but certain to move on this summer - despite the club's attempt to tie him down to a new eight-year deal.

Arsenal and Bayern Munich are both circling, while long-term suitors Chelsea and Manchester United cannot be ruled out of the running either. Despite his deal expiring soon, West Ham are refusing to be taken for a ride.

The Hammers are holding out for their remarkable valuation of £120 million ($148.5m), but is Rice really worth it?

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