Espanyol ashamed after pitch invaders chase Barca players [1] 0 تعليق 3 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The club apologised through their CEO Mao Ye

Espanyol CEO Mao Ye spoke out after the incidents at the end of the defeat by Barcelona, with some Blue and Whites fans invading the pitch to attack Barça players during their celebration. 

"We want to apologise to the football world for these events. It is not the image of Espanyol, far from it. No matter how much of a minority it is, it does not represent our club," Ye said. 

"We will do everything we can to eradicate this type of incident so that it does not happen again in our stadium," said Ye, who added that he understands "the fans' discomfort, but we have four games left".

Espanyol are 19th and seem set for relegation.

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