اخبار كورة

Jules Koundé signs his new contract to officially become a FC Barcelona player

The defender has stamped his sign during his presentation with president Joan Laporta, thus sealing his contract with FC Barcelona until June 30, 2027

Jules Koundé is now officially a Barça player. The club announced the signing of the defender four days ago, who they bought from Sevilla. Koundé was involved today, together with the president of Barça, Joan Laporta, in the signing of his new contract in the Gallic player's presentation ceremony. The French defender signed his new contract for the next five seasons, and so will remain tied to FC Barcelona until June 30, 2027.

At 11h CEST, the private signing took place at the offices of the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper. On the other hand, the public act took place at 11:30h in the Camp Tito Vilanova in the company of the president Joan Laporta.

Afterwards, there was a brief photo shoot that was followed by the presentation press conference, scheduled at 12:15h, in which the new Barça signing then answered some questions posed by the media.

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