اخبار كورة

Barça's new defender Jules Koundé: "I want to reach the top"

The French defender has expressed his first impressions to the press

Joules Koundé has been presented as a new Barça player. At the press conference of his presentation, the centre-back was happy about his signing and expressed his satisfaction at joining the Blaugrana club.

When asked about his first impressions as a Barça player, Koundé said he felt very comfortable since his arrival at the Catalan club. The Frenchman has been training at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper since last Friday, the day after his signing was made official.

"I have received a lot of affection from the president from the first moment. I'm very happy and proud because I'm coming to a very big club with an ambitious project. I'm looking forward to preparing with the team to get to the top," said the former Sevilla player.

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