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Spanish Supercopa: Barça to face Betis after sealing second place

Xavi's side have qualified for the Final Four of the Supercopa in Saudi Arabia

Barcelona sealed second place in LaLiga on Sunday with a goalless draw against Getafe, which means they will be in the Spanish Supercopa next season.

The Supercopa will maintain its Final Four format, with league champions Real Madrid, cup winners Real Betis and cup runners-up Valencia completing the lineup.

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Barça will play against Betis in the semifinal, with the draw pitting the winners of the Copa del Rey against the runners-up of LaLiga.

Therefore, LaLiga winners Real Madrid will play Copa finalists Valencia in the other semifinal.

The dates for the tournament, which will once again be played in Saudi Arabia, have not yet been confirmed and will be decided based on the dates for the World Cup in Qatar later this year.

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