Agüero lets slip that Messi's considering Newell's Old Boys return [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Maxi Rodríguez quickly attempted to play down the suggestion

Everyone is keeping an eye on Leo Messi's next move. In view of this, Kun Agüero, a close friend of the former Barcelona star, let slip in an interview what the Argentinian star could do.

Speaking to UOL, he said the Argentine '10', currently playing for Paris Saint-Germain and with several fronts open, such as the Parisian team, FC Barcelona, who dream of his return to the club, and with Saudi Arabia and MLS attentive in case they can catch the attacker.

"He is seriously considering the possibility of playing for Newell's," said Kun in the interview, suggesting Messi could finish his career where it all began, before he made the jump to Barça and came to Catalonia.

"Kun is Kun. He can't keep quiet. We'll see. It's difficult to talk about this because then it becomes a giant ball of rumours. Let's wait and see what happens. Let's not get ahead of ourselves," said another ex-Argentina player Maxi Rodríguez quickly, in order to avoid any major problems in the face of Agüero's statements.

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