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PSG reach agreement with Nice for Christophe Galtier

Paris Saint-Germain have reportedly reached an agreement with Nice to sign Christophe Galtier as their new coach.

After being turned down by Zinedine Zidane, who has his eyes set on the French national team job, the Ligue 1 giants turned their attention to the Nice tactician.

As is often the case with PSG thanks to their financial might, it looks as though they have landed their target, with Le Parisien reporting the move will cost just under 10 million euros.

The news comes after PSG and Mauricio Pochettino agreed to part ways, with the French press reporting the move will cost them 15 million euros in total.

While Pochettino's exit hasn't been made official, an announcement could come as early as the beginning of next week, but not until the move for Galtier is signed and delivered.

Galtier is no stranger to new PSG football advisor Luis Campos, who has wasted little time in leaving his mark on the side.

PSG have already landed Portuguese midfielder Vitinha from Porto in a deal reportedly worth 40 million euros.

Les Parisiens have now turned their attention to Lille's Renato Sanches, who Galtier knows very well from his time at the helm of the club.

The duo won Ligue 1 in 2020/21 when they shocked many by beating PSG to top spot.

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