اخبار كورة

Danilo Pereira bails out PSG to keep their unbeaten run in Ligue 1

Paris Saint-Germain continue their good run in Ligue 1 after beating Lorient 2-1 late on. Christophe Galtier's team did not play a good game, but in the end took the three points at the Stade du Moustoir.

The Parisian team felt the absence of Lionel Messi, but despite being without him, they remain undefeated leaders. The negative note of the match was that Kylian Mbappe went off injured and went straight to the locker room.

PSG have played 20 games so far and have yet to taste defeat. Lorient didn't make it easy for them, but they didn't have many chances to score against Gianluigi Donnarumma.

The visitors took the lead in the ninth minute after a gross mistake by the opposing goalkeeper, who gave the ball to PSG and it was then played to Neymar to score the first goal of the match.

The first half was dominated by Paris, but the second 45 minutes were different in terms of play and chances. Lorient took a step forward and Terem Moffi put the equalizer on the scoreboard.

Changes gave life to Galtier's team, and Danilo Pereira grabbed the second goal late on.

Only unbeaten team in the top-five leagues

With this defeat, Lorient have now lost two in a row, while PSG's unbeaten streak has been extended. Galtier's side are the only unbeaten team in the five major European leagues this season after Napoli's defeat by Liverpool in the Champions League.

They will now be concerned for Mbappe, with all of France left sweating over the extent of his injury.

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